Last Weekend
It's a Friday night, What are we going to do? Let's just ride around till we think of something. Bowling anyone? sure. Bowling was fun. yeah. Anyone hungry? Sonic? sure. Is Movie Gallery open? Not sure. Let's check. "Closed" Dang. Has anyone ever gone in the naughty section? HAHA NO! Me neither. We should.. ha Ok sometime next week though.
Last Night
It's a Friday night, What are we going to do? Let's just ride around till we think of something. Is Movie Gallery open? Not sure. Let's check. What good movies are out? Nothing really. Hey Matt did you and Ryan ever go into the porn section? NO! haha Why not? How about it Ryan? haha I don't care.
So we all pull up... haha 5 people get out of the car and walk into Movie Gallery. Awkwardly walk around for 5 mins debating weather or not to go into the ''naughty section.'' A man leaves the naughty section. We all laugh (LOUD) Poor dude. I look at Ryan he shakes his head up and down smiling. We nonchalantly walk into the back room expecting it to be free of people. WRONG!! haha A big fat man was standing inside. I tried not to laugh, but fail. The room was bigger than I thought it would be. Ryan was trying not to laugh also. I hate that feeling when you see someone laugh and you need too. I cooled down not knowing what to do with that man in the room. When we walked in he made a sad sigh. That was one of the funniest parts. Then 3 mins later Tyler walks in, The man sighs again, and Tyler has no control. Tyler laughed so loud and we ran out of the room in somewhat of a respectful manner. I felt bad for that old man.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Re- Just sand

If you didn't read the Just sand post this might not make any sense.
Robert and I ran again yesterday. We ran to the lake, swam a little, and ran back. It was just as fun as it was every other day. As we were approaching the spot along the trail where we ditched our shoes, I notice a man standing at the end of the trail. Well... he wasn't standing. He was crouching. His red pickup was behind him. Luckily the gate was still locked. He was slowly slithering under the gate. I analyzed the man as best I could in the brief second I allowed him to see me. Camouflage sweet pants, wife beater, and a dog. He looked like a serial killer. I FREAKED OUT!! "Run Robert!!" We took off barefooted across the huge puddles. Running through the briers and into the dump was so scary. [Ha ha but I would do it again] So after we flew across the water and briers we hid under a shredder type machine.[I know- Dumb ass] Who runs under a shredder? Me . Everything was silent, the birds ceased to exist to me. My mind was strictly focused detecting movement and unfamiliar sounds. We moved from our ''bunker" to a lonely grassy hill. It was kinda odd that a grassy hill was in the middle of the dump. We waited-not wanting to stick our heads up just yet. Silence was all around me. I could hear Robert breathing and I could feel my heart pounding. Suddenly a red pickup cuts across the dump. My heart stopped. Do I continue to run? I'm more than willing. I know I could have escaped " Should we run Robert?" "no" The man, climbing out of the pickup waved his finger at us saying what sounded like "come here." I did most of the talking because I have a sliver tongue.. ha ha "You boys know you're on private property right?" " Yeah I saw that" " How did you guys get back here?" " walked" Then I said " we're on the cross country team and we run the trail everyday after school it's cool" The man settled down adjusting the ugly razor[phone] in his hand. Ironic. I could see his dog in the back seat. " You guys can go back through the gate but be careful" "Thanks" I waited till he turned around first. I wasn't going to be shot first. He returned to his truck and pulled away. I talked with Robert about the whole thing. We laughed about his mullet and dog. Ah.. Good times. "So Robert want to run tomorrow?" He looked at me, squinting his eyes and smiling, "Sure, ha ha I love this run"
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Just sand
Today I ran after school with Robert. We ran about 6 miles barefooted into the woods on private property to get to a pond. It felt like a light summer. The sun on my back and the dirt on my feet. No obligations, no worries, no time. When I run it's like I control time. Time is my bitch and it waits on me. Yeah, We are crazy for running so far to swim and yeah, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I've done this run before, but never with chilly weather like this. My feet were lightly frozen. As we are running I usually lead the conversation[no duh] and most of the time I'm surprised at how we change subject so quickly. You would be shocked to know how much information a person would share if they were just a little tired.OK, so we ran the first 3 miles till we reached to pond. As usual, we soak our legs in the water for a few mins to soop up our legs. Most of the time we run there, swim, then run back. Today we decided that the wind was blowing entirely too much to swim, but disregarding reason, somehow we ended up in the water anyway. ha When we got out of the water the wind seemed to pick up. We talked about using the warm sand to dry off, arguing the pros and cons. I could deal with being sandy while running back. The trail was always wet anyway so it would only be a matter of time before the sand would be washed away. The pro of warmth dominated the con of being cold. :) We laid on the top of a big sandy hill just talking about random stuff. Robert brought up my dreaded subject, Life after High School. We talked about how most likely we would never remain in contact with our friends. Finding friends would not be a problem for either of us. How hard it is going to be to find new 'Best friends'? We must have talked for a hour and a half on that warm sandy hill. I played with the sand most of the time we were conversing, trying not to imagine the G word. [graduation]. I wanted badly to pretend that I could avoid graduation thoughts.When he brought up college, degrees, and the thought of me doing the same job for the rest of my life, I my brain couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and asked him if he was ready. He failed to notice that I dodged most of his questions. Not because I couldn't answer them, but because I just didn't want to think about it. As we ran back I tired to lighten my mood with banter and bringing up old times when we would all hang out during the summer. Talking about how everyone got on everyone's nerves. When we got back to our cars Robert was complaining about how he didn't want to get sand in his car. I kinda laughed climbing into the 'dollar car', sand was never an issue with me. I said "chill out Robert it's just sand". He laughed, "Yeah, Same time tomorrow?"I responded " Yeah sure". " Later Matt" " Later" After I shut my door the words that came out of my mouth jingled in my head over and over. "Just sand" How is it that ''Just sand" could have such an effect on me? I would look back on this part of my life and think how my memories were shaped by little things such as sand.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
My ramble
Money, Money, Money. I've always had a pretty good concept of the value of money. I'm usually a very easy person to please.[haha. I'm easy]. I keep my wants to a low and stay contempt with what I have. In reality, I need a job.
Recently one of my best friends started dating a pretty OK girl.[attitude wise, but that's just me ha] They like to do a lot of stuff together like most couples do. Movies, bowling, etc. I don't know why I feel awkward when I'm hanging out with them. I don't get in the way or anything. I'm not dumb so I know I'm not being a "Cock block". When they start doing their "thing" I just kinda drift away and give them their privacy. I'm not a little kid, I'm not going to pretend that I don't know what's going on. I feel like a third wheel when the 3 of us do anything now.
I'm a person that pickes up on diction, syntax, and body language very well. My brain [to some seems inactive], for a lack of a better word "computes" all of those things. I make a decision based on the best judgement and most beneficial outcome. Even if it is not best for me. My problem is that I can detect "language" ,but my body lags back the response in an uncomfortable situation. I've been training myself to not lag as much. When the teacher asks a question I kinda mumble the answer under my breath. Uncomfortable; to me, is when the room is quiet and I break the silence. Who is listening to me talk? Are they annoyed by my awkward voice? Do they talk about my response like I talk about that dumb bitch's?*CoughalexCough*
A long time ago I thought it was funny and harmless to act dumb. I'm tired of acting dumb and playing the idiot. Outside of school I'm completely different.[if only you knew] I'm a thinker I can't deny it any longer.
In my first block, I want to beat the shit out of this one kid. I'm going to. haha. -Sneak attack- If I ever see him outside of school his ass is grass. He is an idiot and I feel he should be punished. He is rendering my ability to learn. I love my Spanish teacher, but she is too nice to enforce punishment on him. I have no idea why. So.. as !Spanish Club President! I'm going to woop dat ass. :)
Ps: this is a lame video that I recorded last night before we went bowling.
[Click Here]
Recently one of my best friends started dating a pretty OK girl.[attitude wise, but that's just me ha] They like to do a lot of stuff together like most couples do. Movies, bowling, etc. I don't know why I feel awkward when I'm hanging out with them. I don't get in the way or anything. I'm not dumb so I know I'm not being a "Cock block". When they start doing their "thing" I just kinda drift away and give them their privacy. I'm not a little kid, I'm not going to pretend that I don't know what's going on. I feel like a third wheel when the 3 of us do anything now.
I'm a person that pickes up on diction, syntax, and body language very well. My brain [to some seems inactive], for a lack of a better word "computes" all of those things. I make a decision based on the best judgement and most beneficial outcome. Even if it is not best for me. My problem is that I can detect "language" ,but my body lags back the response in an uncomfortable situation. I've been training myself to not lag as much. When the teacher asks a question I kinda mumble the answer under my breath. Uncomfortable; to me, is when the room is quiet and I break the silence. Who is listening to me talk? Are they annoyed by my awkward voice? Do they talk about my response like I talk about that dumb bitch's?*CoughalexCough*
A long time ago I thought it was funny and harmless to act dumb. I'm tired of acting dumb and playing the idiot. Outside of school I'm completely different.[if only you knew] I'm a thinker I can't deny it any longer.
In my first block, I want to beat the shit out of this one kid. I'm going to. haha. -Sneak attack- If I ever see him outside of school his ass is grass. He is an idiot and I feel he should be punished. He is rendering my ability to learn. I love my Spanish teacher, but she is too nice to enforce punishment on him. I have no idea why. So.. as !Spanish Club President! I'm going to woop dat ass. :)
Ps: this is a lame video that I recorded last night before we went bowling.
[Click Here]
Saturday, March 20, 2010
ASL or Signed English Highlight to read.
Spanish is my first priority, Then (not in a particular order) Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Vietnamese, and Hebrew. I will most likely never be fluent in more then two of these, but I will try. ..Stop/
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Cutting the cake
I had a great day today. My birthday went better then I thought It would. I'm getting tired of my phone going crazy with notifications from facebook. lol To much love!! I had an amazing day at school. The field trip turned out to be great. I kinda' felt like a loser already knowing most of the information the guides were saying. I don't think they got annoyed with me answering most of the questions. I was loving it. :) They kept on telling us that we should volunteer. I was getting stared down big time. ha The guide would ask us a question and I would not hesitate to answer. My teacher was giving me all kinds of looks. To quote her, " Who knew?" It felt really good in a way revisiting my childhood. When we were walking in the woods it was like the guide was my Grandpa. Of coarse I didn't tell him that!
When I got home I was expecting my day to go downhill. I'm not exactly sure why, but it was like I wanted it to go bad. My day was too great and I needed a reality check. Thank God it never came. "I will remember this day for the rest of my life."
My grandparents called me( like they do every year) and did their usual ritual. Sing, Pry into my life, Fail, and give up. I recited the same old story to both sets of grandparents. Jr college for 2 years, Ole Miss for 4. My true intentions however, they will never know.
Tomorrow I'm going to ask Khanh if I can go with them to eat. I don't know why I kinda blew her off today. She was trying to ask me what I was doing this weekend and I completely freaked out for some reason and said camping. We(a group of my friends that I do not hangout with in school) had talked about camping this weekend. None of the plans were final. I guess I responded with ''camping'' because I didn't want to make confusion in my life. It's hard to believe, but I'm extremely anti social outside of school. It's time to get over that.
When I got home I was expecting my day to go downhill. I'm not exactly sure why, but it was like I wanted it to go bad. My day was too great and I needed a reality check. Thank God it never came. "I will remember this day for the rest of my life."
My grandparents called me( like they do every year) and did their usual ritual. Sing, Pry into my life, Fail, and give up. I recited the same old story to both sets of grandparents. Jr college for 2 years, Ole Miss for 4. My true intentions however, they will never know.
Tomorrow I'm going to ask Khanh if I can go with them to eat. I don't know why I kinda blew her off today. She was trying to ask me what I was doing this weekend and I completely freaked out for some reason and said camping. We(a group of my friends that I do not hangout with in school) had talked about camping this weekend. None of the plans were final. I guess I responded with ''camping'' because I didn't want to make confusion in my life. It's hard to believe, but I'm extremely anti social outside of school. It's time to get over that.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What's one more year.
Happy Birthday to me. I survived long enough to be lv 18. Today I'm going on a field trip to some reserve in Moss Point. The name of the park is entirely to long and complex. I think they had hopes of the drawing attention to the park. I think it was a fail. Moss point is not exactly famous for it's beauty. I'm going to bring my camcorder to school tomorrow and hopefully record some of my field trip. I'll post it later today.
There is some school game going on in Moss Point as well. I'm not sure what sport. Maybe baseball or softball.
I'm hoping to get enough money from my birthday to purchase a pair of Powerrisers. So I "can run like a raptor down the hallways of the school." ha I want that 9 foot stride and capability of running 25-30 miles per hour. Plus the +7 foot jumping would be awesome. If I get those stilts, I'll faint first, Then the next day I will run to school with them on. :D That would be FUNNY. No telling what I would be called, but I don't really care. Do they have a 9 foot stride? NO. ha Do they get raptor like powers? NO. That would be the best birthday present ever!
I need to make arrangements to take the Ap Bio, English, Environmental, and Spanish exams. I haven't yet filled out the free lunch form. I know that my dad is now unemployed but I don't feel as if our spending has decreased. I really don't want my parents to pay for those exams. :( 70-80 dollars each... yay. Plus my cap and gown. I really need to get on top of things.
I know that today I'm one year older and usually people don't feel like they have aged. I feel older. I look older. Somewhere along the line this year I started growing facial hair. When did this happen? When did I mature enough to be a good friend? To know how to treat people? Or even be a ''good'' student? Where along my short timeline did I become who I am today? I'm sure it happened gradually, but still. I just settled into a close group of friends that I know are friends. If I ever need help, I know that I can depend on them. I would hope they think the same about me. Now that I have ''Friends", we are about to separate in less than 7 weeks. Some of which I will never see again. How many of them will die before our reunion? How many will not even show up? Life is a precious thing and I'm not sure I'm ready to grow up.
I often hear the saying "What's one more year." Well this is my last year of high school. :( I'm one year away from having to work everyday while going to school. I have to be an adult. I'm no Peter pan, but I'm happy where I am in my life now. I survived my evil elementary school teachers, my awkward middle school years, and I'm one more day closer to completing " the best years of my life." College will be fun I guess. I just hope I stay in contact with my friends.
I love you guys
There is some school game going on in Moss Point as well. I'm not sure what sport. Maybe baseball or softball.
I'm hoping to get enough money from my birthday to purchase a pair of Powerrisers. So I "can run like a raptor down the hallways of the school." ha I want that 9 foot stride and capability of running 25-30 miles per hour. Plus the +7 foot jumping would be awesome. If I get those stilts, I'll faint first, Then the next day I will run to school with them on. :D That would be FUNNY. No telling what I would be called, but I don't really care. Do they have a 9 foot stride? NO. ha Do they get raptor like powers? NO. That would be the best birthday present ever!
I need to make arrangements to take the Ap Bio, English, Environmental, and Spanish exams. I haven't yet filled out the free lunch form. I know that my dad is now unemployed but I don't feel as if our spending has decreased. I really don't want my parents to pay for those exams. :( 70-80 dollars each... yay. Plus my cap and gown. I really need to get on top of things.
I know that today I'm one year older and usually people don't feel like they have aged. I feel older. I look older. Somewhere along the line this year I started growing facial hair. When did this happen? When did I mature enough to be a good friend? To know how to treat people? Or even be a ''good'' student? Where along my short timeline did I become who I am today? I'm sure it happened gradually, but still. I just settled into a close group of friends that I know are friends. If I ever need help, I know that I can depend on them. I would hope they think the same about me. Now that I have ''Friends", we are about to separate in less than 7 weeks. Some of which I will never see again. How many of them will die before our reunion? How many will not even show up? Life is a precious thing and I'm not sure I'm ready to grow up.
I often hear the saying "What's one more year." Well this is my last year of high school. :( I'm one year away from having to work everyday while going to school. I have to be an adult. I'm no Peter pan, but I'm happy where I am in my life now. I survived my evil elementary school teachers, my awkward middle school years, and I'm one more day closer to completing " the best years of my life." College will be fun I guess. I just hope I stay in contact with my friends.
I love you guys
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Out of no where
I had arranged a tennis game with a friend earlier that day. We usually run after school ,but today was different. He (Robert) decided that we should play tennis instead of running. I agreed, it had been a week or two since our last match. It was 9:45 pm and I was ready to play tennis. I text Robert to check and make sure he is still going to play. He text me back saying that a very interesting movie was on and he would like to finish it. Robert informed me that he would text me when the movie was over. I said sure, no problem. 10:00 rolls around and he text me. I drive to the Junior College to meet him there. I arrive before him. While I was waiting, I observed two other males playing a game between each other. Robert arrives 8 mins later. We spar for a few hours. I hit some of the balls over the fence. Eventually we stopped and I said I would retrieve the balls I hit over the net. Robbert nods and puts his belongings in his car, says goodbye , and pulls away. I walk the outer edge of the courts to locate the balls. I collect the balls as fast as I'm willing to move at the time. I unlock the door to my car, open it, and remembered I needed to turn off the lights to the courts. I leave my door open while I run to hit the switch. Instantly the courts go black. I return to my car and preform my same ritual. I need a soda, but not just any soda. A Barq's Root beer. I drive to the drink machine in front of Hudson's. (because the sodas there are only 40 cents.) I pull up to the machine. The parking lot is completely empty. Leaving my door open, I get out of my car to buy a drink. I've always made it a habit to look around before I leave my car on with my door open. As I get out of my car I look around making sure no one is near. Clear. As I'm buying my soda I hear a man's voice behind me. I'm instantly startled. I replay the sounds of his words in my head to try to compute what I've heard. No luck. I reply,
"Come again?" The man informs me about a trick with the machine. Explaining that if I unplug the machine as it is vending I will receive 2 sodas instead of one. I say, " I guess I'm out of luck. I don't have enough money." I was lieing of course. I always keep change in my car. Hoping that he would take the bait and assume that I had no money. He staggers forward some, as if he was trying to remember my face. I take an awkward step to the side and say goodbye and thanks for the tip. I walk around the back end of my car to avoid his contact. As I'm entering my car, he calls out to me, "I can get'a ride?". I reply, "I'm sorry, My mom will kill me if I'm late home." The look on his face tells me that he has accepted my rejection. He then says, "Margaret wouldn't mind". My heart stops.. How did he know my mom's name? Does he know my name? Does he know where I live? He repeats himself,"I can get a ride?" This time I hear attitude in his voice, or what sounded like assurance. " How about dat ride?" I'm halfway in my car. " I said..No." ''I'm sorry I can't give you a ride." I close and lock my door. He makes his way around the front of my car and stands there. " It's just one ride." he says. Keeping my eyes on the strange man, I put my car in reverse and slowly start to back up. As I'm pulling away he enters the shadows of which he came. I return home and inform my mom of the situation. I give a basic description of the man. She doesn't seem to know him. I sigh and make sure all the doors are locked. I haven't seen him since our last encounter.
"Come again?" The man informs me about a trick with the machine. Explaining that if I unplug the machine as it is vending I will receive 2 sodas instead of one. I say, " I guess I'm out of luck. I don't have enough money." I was lieing of course. I always keep change in my car. Hoping that he would take the bait and assume that I had no money. He staggers forward some, as if he was trying to remember my face. I take an awkward step to the side and say goodbye and thanks for the tip. I walk around the back end of my car to avoid his contact. As I'm entering my car, he calls out to me, "I can get'a ride?". I reply, "I'm sorry, My mom will kill me if I'm late home." The look on his face tells me that he has accepted my rejection. He then says, "Margaret wouldn't mind". My heart stops.. How did he know my mom's name? Does he know my name? Does he know where I live? He repeats himself,"I can get a ride?" This time I hear attitude in his voice, or what sounded like assurance. " How about dat ride?" I'm halfway in my car. " I said..No." ''I'm sorry I can't give you a ride." I close and lock my door. He makes his way around the front of my car and stands there. " It's just one ride." he says. Keeping my eyes on the strange man, I put my car in reverse and slowly start to back up. As I'm pulling away he enters the shadows of which he came. I return home and inform my mom of the situation. I give a basic description of the man. She doesn't seem to know him. I sigh and make sure all the doors are locked. I haven't seen him since our last encounter.
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