If you didn't read the Just sand post this might not make any sense.
Robert and I ran again yesterday. We ran to the lake, swam a little, and ran back. It was just as fun as it was every other day. As we were approaching the spot along the trail where we ditched our shoes, I notice a man standing at the end of the trail. Well... he wasn't standing. He was crouching. His red pickup was behind him. Luckily the gate was still locked. He was slowly slithering under the gate. I analyzed the man as best I could in the brief second I allowed him to see me. Camouflage sweet pants, wife beater, and a dog. He looked like a serial killer. I FREAKED OUT!! "Run Robert!!" We took off barefooted across the huge puddles. Running through the briers and into the dump was so scary. [Ha ha but I would do it again] So after we flew across the water and briers we hid under a shredder type machine.[I know- Dumb ass] Who runs under a shredder? Me . Everything was silent, the birds ceased to exist to me. My mind was strictly focused detecting movement and unfamiliar sounds. We moved from our ''bunker" to a lonely grassy hill. It was kinda odd that a grassy hill was in the middle of the dump. We waited-not wanting to stick our heads up just yet. Silence was all around me. I could hear Robert breathing and I could feel my heart pounding. Suddenly a red pickup cuts across the dump. My heart stopped. Do I continue to run? I'm more than willing. I know I could have escaped " Should we run Robert?" "no" The man, climbing out of the pickup waved his finger at us saying what sounded like "come here." I did most of the talking because I have a sliver tongue.. ha ha "You boys know you're on private property right?" " Yeah I saw that" " How did you guys get back here?" " walked" Then I said " we're on the cross country team and we run the trail everyday after school it's cool" The man settled down adjusting the ugly razor[phone] in his hand. Ironic. I could see his dog in the back seat. " You guys can go back through the gate but be careful" "Thanks" I waited till he turned around first. I wasn't going to be shot first. He returned to his truck and pulled away. I talked with Robert about the whole thing. We laughed about his mullet and dog. Ah.. Good times. "So Robert want to run tomorrow?" He looked at me, squinting his eyes and smiling, "Sure, ha ha I love this run"
wow. great visual