I've been in a sad mood towards the end of the day recently.
In other news I think my female house mates are pmsing. They had a big verbal dispute over a shirt.. again.. This one lasted for quite some time. Minutes later.... Mellissa called Madison outside to talk. They were making up. My dad asked me why she called Madison over. I didn't feel like having to explain the situation to him so I did what I do best, played dumb. He bought it.. of course Within this making up ritual they decide to go get snow cones without me. :( The argument was, I was trying to fall asleep on the couch. I laughed.. yeah. Mellissa gave me the rest of hers when they got back. Of coarse Madison's fat ass ate hers before they got back. haha (She hid at least 30 pizza rolls from me the day before. She lied to me and told me they were all gone. I would have believed her too if i wouldn't have found the plate left on the table.)
Had the English test today...blah..blah.. but that is not what I wanted to blog about.
During the break between the multiple choice and the essays, I was talking with a student about a selection on the test, The Race. It was about a woman running through an airport trying to board a plane and see her loved one that was in a hospital. The doctor told her she wouldn't be able to reach him in time. Short story even shorter, She made it.
The conversation with this student went like this: Red:Student Blue: Me haha
That section about the race kinda made me tear up a bit
Why? The story wasn't even that good.
Well.. My dad died . .and. .yeah.
Oh,(long ass douchbagish never ending pause) sorry.
End conversation: subject dropped. Sad story avoided.
I was thinking about that for most of the day today. Why did I pause? Why did I over analyze the situation and send a message to the person explaining that I was sorry for pausing?
Do you remember today when you were telling me about the passage on the test that kinda hit close to home for you? I'm sorry for only saying
"Oh,(long douchebag pause) sorry" I was thinking about that all day today and felt bad afterwards. I guess the human nature in me wanted me to pry and know the whole story, but my better judgement made me freak out and avoid the subject completely. I know you probably didn't interpret the situation like I did, but I still feel like I should apologize. Sorry.
I need to print out a calender to keep up with all the graduation party days. My sisters graduation party was a surprise. I hope they don't spring one on me. I really need the calender so I can put it on the fridge so my parents can plan around the days.
This is the third time I've written this blog.. My computer has been infected by some kind of virus so I'm on my mom's. Don't let your siblings download music...
Select one of the following.. guess which one she would pick
1. Hey soul sister-Train
3.Hey soul sister-Train
I enjoyed the blogs. Sorry mines is so late. I don't think anyone will read this before we go to school.
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