Sunday, May 9, 2010

Climbing the tower

First let me start off by saying that Karma is a bitch and I'm being punished.If I have a strange walk tomorrow, you know why.

K-dog: So did you get bit by another snake yet?
Me: haha.. No. I guess y'all haven't been mean enough lately

1 day later...I broke my toe playing football. Saturday night

Carpe diem has really been on my mind lately. Ever since I climbed on top of Mrs. Blackwell's desk I have had the urge to have that feeling again. Friday night .. well.. Saturday morning.
3 AMsh. I climbed the water tower across the street from my house.. The view was amazing. I felt like I was seeing around my house for the first time. I don't think I will tell Mrs. Blackwell about that. haha

I was really sad Saturday night. I haven't teared up in a very long time and I never cry.. ever.
I have been talking to my sister(Mellissa) more than I have ever talked to her before. We hung out Saturday and Mothers Day. We are in the same situation friend wise. We both 'had' one friend that was always a moocher and was never a true friend. We didn't know why we would always hang out with them. They were nothing like us.
Strangely enough, We both( Mellissa and I) ended our friendships with our best friends this weekend.
Tyler has been my best friend since 5th grade. We hang out all the time and eat breakfast together, but I knew he was a bad friend. My parents have always told me that he was bad and I shouldn't associate myself with him. I didn't listen. So many years of questionable friendship.. Yet we always hung out.

I have told myself before that I should not be friends with him. But sometimes he is cool and fun to hang out with.

I pretty much had it when we all met up at someones house to play football at the soccer complex. I always drive to the complex and someone always drives too. Usually alternating between Robert and Stephen. We always have 2 car loads of people. Well.. this time I said I wasn't going to drive. Everyone was cool with it because they know I drive every where. No one wanted to volunteer to drive.. we sat there for a good 10 mins.. then Robert and Stephen said they would drive. Tyler said he wasn't going to. I got so fucking mad. Tyler NEVER drives. NEVER... His reasoning was SHIT. A first grader could have came up with a better excuse.
He tried to turn 2 other friends against me... just like him.. but I got to them first and told them the whole situation. He was poising their minds with lies. SO FUCKING LIKE HIM..
I made amens with the 2 other friends. Explaining that it was wrong of me to try to make them pick sides knowing they like both of us. I told Tyler that I can not be his friend. That we were both thinking it so we mine as well say it. I'm going to make plans to eat breakfast with Ali or somebody. She used to eat with us sometimes.

I don't have 1st block anymore so I don't have to sit by him. I'm trying to be as mature as I can about this but I know he is going to make it difficult. I don't care if he talks shit about me. I'm not going to retaliate. I am and I will always be the bigger and better person. I don't think of myself of having questionable morals. I hope people know that when I say "I'm your friend" you get the whole friendship package. Secrets are kept, your name defended, and my 100% support.
The only thing that has kept me going is the reasoning I have made myself believe.
He is the one that lost a good friend, I'm just that fool that had his company.

[Friendship terminated]
I will still hang out with our mutual friends, They have already asked me that. I laughed and said why would he have ownership of your guys? It's not a custody battle. haha

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