"I'm looking down every alley. I'm making those desperate calls." -Ke$ha
Every now an then I like to believe that 'we' as humans have temporary moments of weakness. These times are often spontaneous, by luck, or dare I say...libido.
When do these moments occur most often? Is it when you pass the vending machine and you think to yourself " I really don't neeeeeddd it, but I want it. I've worked hard lately. I have the money for it. Well, why shouldn't I get it? I deserve to treat myself every now and again!" Before you know it that peanut butter Twix is nestled in your hands and a few minutes later you will completely forget the inner battle you just had with yourself.
Or... is it when you really want to start that new health trend that you've been trying to pitch to yourself and everyone around you for like the past year. Hopefully talking about change will help you to make that change or encourage you in some way to be that change.
" Today... I'm going to take a few laps around the walking track."
" I'm starting to monitor all of the junk I've been putting in my body! OMG you should totally try it! It's only been a day and I feel soooo much more aware. Lets raise awareness!!"
Most don't mind admitting to the crippling candy bar or the "Well... I didn't make it to the track today. Things got kinda crazy at work. You understand, right?"
What about sexual urges? Why the taboo? is that random booty call that you talk to like once every month really any different that that Twix? Maybe it's because that twix doesn't try to pretend that meeting up every once in awhile makes you friends.
That reuniting encounter always has that awkward "I feel like we should know more about each other while we're doing this to make us feel better, but we really don't give a fuck... but we should pretend." Pretending to care about what is going on in each others lives doesn't change that fact that its happening. lol. I'm so amused when girls try to do that.
" So.. are you still in the ARMY? How's work treating you?"
"Are you still getting your cosmetology degree? You'll go so far with that..:/ you can work anywhere." Did i really just fking say that.... this is sad.
Bitch please... let's call a spade a spade. We know what this is.
With Valentines Day coming up it will be easier to land face first into that Twix or that 'friend'. And ya know what? I think that is O.K. as long as you're aware that they are 'moments' and when the 'moments' happen just a little to close to one another they form a lifestyle.
Just don't be about that life.. lol