It felt really good to be home.
I want to be a doctor I think. I've always said nursing ever since i can remember, but I know i can do it and i really want to.
Lately I've been having feelings of confusion like I can't remember why I do anything and why as a society we put so many constraints and rules on everything. Why must their always be a stigma, alternative motive, and personal gain?
o,o I hate the feeling that being me comes back to bite me in the ass every time.
I was so excited to start school again, but now I'm dreading it and it hasn't even been a full week.
It's only been 2 days into 2013 and I'm fucking way to much. I don't know where this inner trollop-man whore came from, but I can only think of what my parents would say. I'm a male. I'm suppose to be a slut right? At the end of 2012 I started this like strange promiscuous sleeping streak and for some reason I can't stop. I know I want kids, but this new 'hobby' has like totally mind fuck my future for family. It is way too much fun just to smash and leave. Fking military police...Been fking everything. Head is head. :]
"Hit It And Quit It'' BOiiii
*consequently has resulted with countless nudes on my phone. #NotWhatImAbout
Lights: Camera: Murder
Going to be shooting a trailer for a murder mystery soon! It's going to be fucking awesome. Classic public park, dark lighting, and shifty camera angles. I was at work today trying to recruit staff. lol too funny! " Why do i have to be the murderer?" cuz you look pedo IRL lol.
Think I have most of the staff selected.
My life is a total fking wreck right now, but I can't make myself change.
Who in the hell am I? What have I become?
Hell of a lot different from the Catholic school boy I once was. ha :/
Wooooooow! Lol