Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweet Tooth

      "I'm looking down every alley. I'm making those desperate calls."  -Ke$ha
                  Every now an then I like to believe that 'we' as humans have temporary moments of weakness. These times are often spontaneous, by luck, or dare I say...libido.  
                           When do these moments occur most often? Is it when you pass the vending machine and you think to yourself " I really don't neeeeeddd it, but I want it. I've worked hard lately. I have the money for it. Well, why shouldn't I get it? I deserve to treat myself every now and again!" Before you know it that peanut butter Twix is nestled in your hands and a few minutes later you will completely forget the inner battle you just had with yourself. 

                                     Or... is it when you really want to start that new health trend that you've been trying to pitch to yourself and everyone around you for like the past year. Hopefully talking about change will help you to make that change or encourage you in some way to be that change. 

" Today... I'm going to take a few laps around the walking track." 

        " I'm starting to monitor all of the junk I've been putting in my body! OMG you should totally try it! It's only been a day and I feel soooo much more aware. Lets raise awareness!!"

                                                        Most don't mind admitting to the crippling candy bar or the "Well... I didn't make it to the track today. Things got kinda crazy at work. You understand, right?"
                                                                What about sexual urges? Why the taboo? is that random booty call that you talk to like once every month really any different that that Twix? Maybe it's because that twix doesn't try to pretend that meeting up every once in awhile makes you friends. 

         That reuniting encounter always has that awkward "I feel like we should know more about each other while we're doing this to make us feel better, but we really don't give a fuck... but we should pretend."  Pretending to care about what is going on in each others lives doesn't change that fact that its happening. lol. I'm so amused when girls try to do that.  

         " So.. are you still in the ARMY? How's work treating you?"   
                         "Are you still getting your cosmetology degree? You'll go so far with that..:/ you can work anywhere."   Did i really just fking say that.... this is sad.

                  Bitch please... let's call a spade a spade. We know what this is. 

                                  With Valentines Day coming up it will be easier to land face first into that Twix or that 'friend'.  And ya know what? I think that is O.K. as long as you're aware that they are 'moments' and when the 'moments' happen just a little to close to one another they form a lifestyle.

                    Just don't be about that life.. lol 


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Dina Lohan Six Day Arm-N-Hammer Cat Food Binge Diet

         Dina Lohan has developed a step by step guide for those who struggle with weight and self-esteem issues. Using simple techniques and remarkable dieting tips, you too, can look and feel like a Lohan. When starting this new and exciting Journey down Lohan Lane, you need to keep in mind that this diet will evoke emotional and spiritual trauma. If you have the motivation and dedication to stick to this diet, just like those parm-bread bites you ate all weekend are sticking to those thighs, you CAN do this!

         What will I need?? Well, the beauty behind this breakthrough in the dieting world is the simplicity and availability of all the ingredients. For six days your diet will consist of a fine white Arm-N-Hammer Baking Soda and a smooth rich Fancy Feast. Studies are starting to show that these ingredients alone are scientifically proven to deliver your body the fierce kitty Lohan experience. "Peoplez" magazine recently reported that Paris Hilton (Pear-Bear) started the Dina Lohan experience just last week and the results were jaw dropping.

 After two trips to the E.R. and six staples in her tummy, Pear-Bear is skinner than ever! Thanks to the Dina Lohan Cat Food Binge Diet, no doubt!!

 "OMG!! THIS SHIT IS SO DELISH. Dina was soooo right."

        What if I get thirsty?? Your body can go like 3 days without water or something...Suck it up lard ass it's only 6 days! After you're 3 days in you're halfway there! Yayyyyyyy! All you need to do is sip the liquid off the top of the Fancy Feast can before every one a day portion. if you place your cans outside, hopefully the week you start the diet the forecast called for rain, bitches cuz this is where it gets tricky. If and ONLY IF it rains, can you drink water. May the odds be ever in your favor, Catnip!

"It never rains in my house!"
"What I would do for some fking bread...or what I haven't done":*

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wii- All The Way Home

Recently I went home to visit for the holidays. I got my mom a Wii for her birthday. lolol This could get bad.   

It felt really good to be home. 

I want to be a doctor I think. I've always said nursing ever since i can remember, but I know i can do it and i really want to.

Lately I've been having feelings of confusion like I can't remember why I do anything and why as a society we put so many constraints and rules on everything. Why must their always be a stigma, alternative motive, and personal gain?

o,o  I hate the feeling that being me comes back to bite me in the ass every time.

I was so excited to start school again, but now I'm dreading it and it hasn't even been a full week.


It's only been 2 days into 2013 and I'm fucking way to much. I don't know where this inner trollop-man whore came from, but I can only think of what my parents would say. I'm a male. I'm suppose to be a slut right? At the end of 2012 I started this like strange promiscuous sleeping streak and for some reason I can't stop. I know I want kids, but this new 'hobby' has like totally mind fuck my future for family. It is way too much fun just to smash and leave. Fking military police...Been fking everything. Head is head. :]

 "Hit It And Quit It''   BOiiii

*consequently has resulted with countless nudes on my phone. #NotWhatImAbout 

Lights: Camera: Murder

 Going to be shooting a trailer for a murder mystery soon! It's going to be fucking awesome. Classic public park, dark lighting, and shifty camera angles. I was at work today trying to recruit staff. lol too funny! " Why do i have to be the murderer?" cuz you look pedo IRL lol. 
Think I have most of the staff selected.

My life is a total fking wreck right now, but I can't make myself change. 

Who in the hell am I? What have I become?  

Hell of  a lot different from the Catholic school boy I once was. ha :/


Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to: Dress like Nicki Minaj.

I was in Wal-Mart a few days ago looking for some cupcakes for a co-worker's birthday and out of the corner of my eye I spotted some newly displayed Halloween get-ups! Thanksgiving hasn't arrived yet, but I'm already excited for Halloween! While scanning the isles, Cesar ( A friend I work with) picked up a black wig with pink highlights and I began to laugh hysterically. I kind of reminded me of a really shitty game called " Lollipop Chainsaw", but mostly Katy Perry.  At that moment we knew he had to get it. 

The car ride home would now be filled with epicnessnessneess!! lol many of the epics. Of course I had to get one as well ha so I grabbed one called Berry n' Cream. It had a black female wearing half and half blonde and pink hair. I'm guessing it was suppose to be like Nicki Minaj. 

We finally checkout after waiting in what seemed like the most hectic  5 o'clock traffic in Wally-World evva. I swear there had to be at least 4 fender benders and 3 Hoveround  pileups. 

The cashier is smiling b/c it's always funny when you see guys buying wigs and cupcakes. (or jumbo braid from da Dolla Sto') lol that's another story entirely. 


    She kept on calling me Nicki and calling Cesar,  Katy Perry. It was great lolol

 On the way back home we sang "Call me Maybe" with another car next to us. Looking phresh to death with our new hair of course :)

I think I made out pretty well.. Twins you would say?  Needless to say we signed many autographs XD

Maybe I should go as Simba instead?

Let's not even mention Christmas. haha I stay on that shit all year, but seriously.. "Last Christmas" is a everyday song like. ''Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas or ummm ooo "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani! I'll argue that till I die! ha

We've already given it gender, but I refuse to believe that music can have seasons! Do you ever notice that around Autumn songs like "Lips of an Angel" and "Photograph'' play like 10,000 times along with a shit ton of Daughtry  Why!!? :'((

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mourning PT:By Matt Chapman

**This was about a run we did a few days ago. . Been one of those days. :P SN- sorry my punctuation is sloppy.**

Cold air in my face, shoes barely laced; today is today

Wandering mind out the door PT belt deluxe

Natures cruel embrace, hurrying; make haste

Alone in the pack but cool in the chase ready to go forth shining

Groups emerge and faces exchange- Orion has never felt so close

The moon says "~push~"

My body continues to pull

Finally! together as one

Entering transport- -Flash* I'm back?

Back to forever, beyond forever. Forever ago

Kids in cars and cars with kids without cares

Illusions play; as they must, they need to feel remembered

Everything needs remembering


Destination unsought, lights ablaze; illuminated concrete jungle maze

Darker now.. silent night, mountain's toes exposed

A once familiar place, Sergeant commands the pace

Winding and climbing, sailing and flowing- Teens quest for greatness

Bends and passes nurture the path as fine mothers do

Demanding respect, the mountain inclines; Orion smiles

Celestial bow wielded proud, arrow tips lie not far

Erosion tell the tales of forgotten time, furrows expose the mountain's relentless side

The moon speaks "~push~"

Embers burn down and deep fibers of harp like muscle untouched by man begin to play

Enchanted by song, they pull-The mountain grumbles, inclining to protect its face


Over the rail the city rest, even owls dare not wake

Fearless teens continue to take flight towards the mountain

Orion whispers with kindness " %#*^%$#"

A long ago cosmic language that only stars gossip

Praising, granting approval to the knightly youth

The harp begins to fade; Thin icy winds fill the teens

Breathe becoming a chore.

Now and only now does the mountain smirk

With torn sails the teens continue to quest

Sergeant calls " We've tried our best."

With coughs and hacks the once fearless teens truck back

Entering transport- - Flash* I'm back!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hangul-ing it up.

So.. Korean is my new buzzzzz right now. :) I've been watching a Korean show called F(x) Koala and I'm in love with the language. lol. Only me, I guess. :/

Confession time. ;O 3 years ago when I started learning Spanish, I only started because I was inspired by a music video that I saw. So... I don't think it is foolish for me to want to learn Korean based off of that same motivation. :) (My ignorant reasoning) I don't want to mention the artist of the video or the song. XD

I think it would be one of the easier eastern languages to learn. Only because the alphabet is only like 31 or 34 letters or something and Hangul is really easy to read.(SO FAR) Plus+++ It's not as tonal as some of the other languages. Really looking forward to this in the near future.

I leave for basic in ~28 days :O Holy fuck...... I'm excited!! But I would be even more excited if I were in Spain (or a newly loved, Korea) for school already. :( I'm sure I will be fine. :) Matt Chapman 'fiiiiting'!!!! XD too early? lol

Trying to decide what is going to be harder. lol 9 weeks of bootcamp or 9 weeks without Internet :O Ayyyyy ahhhhhhh!!!

Didn't really need the video, the audio is more than satisfactory. :) enjoy ------->

Saturday, April 9, 2011


So I was on YouTube today(shocker) and I noticed something about one of the top 10 videos. Number 8 was a K-pop(Korean pop) video. :O
Out of extreme curiosity I HAD to watch it!!
It wasn't that bad actually. lol It's on my phone now anyway. :P

I don't have a creepy anime Asian girl fetish or anything but there is something hypnotic about group dancing! Since most K-pop is like that they're all entertaining to watch. But anyway "2NE1" is the group that made it on the top 10. So....CONGRATS!! :3 <- anime smile that I thought was appropriate.

They don't have shit on my F(x) girls though. :)
I felt like I had to make a GIF for them. <3